March Forward with Recycling | Global Recycling Day

Recycling has an integral role to play in ensuring the health of our planet. The world is also now waking up to and innovating circular solutions, and recycling is a crucial tenet. Recycling helps preserve our natural resources and reduces the strain on the environment. Every year, recyclables prevent over 700 million tonnes of CO2 emissions from entering the atmosphere. This figure is only going to increase to 1 billion tons by 2030. It goes to show the immense impact recycling can have in the fight against climate change. Beyond a practice, recycling is vital to secure the future and the health of the planet.
To mark the importance of recycling day, we have Global Recycling Day. Celebrated annually, it emphasises the urgency of prioritising recycling at a global scale. Set by Global Recycling Foundation with a twofold mission as given here:
It urges world leaders to recognise that recycling is far too important to be left to individual countries alone. It must be addressed collectively with a common and unified approach
It calls upon people from across the globe to shift their mindset, focusing on resourcefulness
At Bare Necessities, we see close alignment with this mission. We have built our brand on principles of circularity, where we thoughtfully design our products and packaging to ensure nothing ends up in a landfill. By providing zero waste, eco-friendly alternatives to traditional personal care products, a bulk of which are packaged in plastic and contain harmful chemicals, we hope to address one of the biggest environmental challenges of our time: plastic pollution. Therefore, our goal is to divert 5000 kilograms of plastic from landfills by 2030, making a meaningful impact in reducing global plastic waste.
We have adopted a cradle-to-cradle approach from design to manufacturing and distribution, our products are made using high quality, locally sourced, native ingredients, all packaged in reusable, recyclable and compostable materials. This sustainable approach negates the need to dump wastes in landfills just by designing differently.
As a part of our efforts, we have our Return Your Jars & Tins Program. Our products are packaged in glass jars or tins, which are examples of packaging that’s infinitely reusable. While the jars and tins can certainly be reused for storing pickles or trinkets, some might want to throw them out. Instead of throwing them out, customers can return their Bare Jars and Tins through a simple online form. This significantly prevents waste while encouraging customers to take active part in minimising their environmental footprint.
The refill economy is also in action with our solutions. Through our refill program, customers can bring their own containers or reuse our glass jars and refill them with the product of their choice. In this way, we refrain from creating new packaging waste while making sure that our customers only pay for the product that they actually need. Therefore, providing a solution that is economical and eco-friendly.
We find ourselves in a world, where natural resources are finite - a fact we often seem to forget, given our consumption patterns. Against such a backdrop, recycling provides an actionable solution to preserving and reusing valuable materials. It is a key factor that promises a host of different impactful things! It reduces landfill waste, conserves energy and mitigates the environmental effects of resource extraction.
A lesser spoken facet about recycling is its role in creating jobs in the waste management and recycling industries. Therefore, it directly contributes to an economy that addresses pressing environmental concerns. Continuing to recycle, also means that we are creating a more equitable, responsible and resilient future.
As Global Recycling Day approaches, let us together march towards a cleaner future that prioritises sustainable practices.