Half a way point 2019 and it's a 'Yayy' moment for us!

Never before have we been happier. No. Let’s correct that. Not happier but merrier. You all must have heard that hardships make a humble person? It surely does. But, hardships followed by back to back success stories keep us going. We have been tirelessly working to elevate our brand to a level which we dream about. Maybe something beyond our dreams. And, since our inception, the love and support we have received have been overwhelming. Gratitude would be too small a thing to feel. It’s not just a mere thank you that we feel in our hearts but a feeling which is inexplicable.
So, here’s the news. Bare Necessities has emerged as winners for FICCI Flo Social Entrepreneurship Award of the year 2019, sponsored by Raw Mango, Amrapali and the Embassy group. It was a celebration to recognise the accomplishments of brilliant women from various fields. That’s not all. We have also been recognized winners at the Times She UntdLTD awards under the beauty category. An endeavour to honour women who embarked on the journey of entrepreneurship from home, to make their dreams come alive. It is a platform that celebrates the passions, ambitions and aspirations of women who have put everything on the line to build and grow their own businesses.
Sahar Mansoor was shy and happy at the same time. The glow on her face couldn’t go unnoticed. We couldn't help but write a bit about these good times, pat each other on the back and share the celebrations with you! The best part? Being declared winners alongside some fantastic counterparts in the industry can really boost us up!
More about them here:
FICCI Flo Social Entrepreneurship Award
Few snippets to go through:
Gleeful face - Sahar
Team Times She UntLTD
Yashodhara Shroff (President of FICCI) & Sahar Mansoor (Founder, Bare Necessities - Zero Waste India)