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Bare Thoughts [Zero Waste Living]

Bare Thoughts

Zero Waste during this COVID-19 Pandemic

Zero Waste during this COVID-19 Pandemic
Hello Bare Hearts! Hope all of you are doing well and safe. We understand that the lockdown has disrupted our lives. Given the uncertainty of the situation, we may end up hoarding more than we need  Keeping this in mind, we are sharing some tips on how to be mindful and  sustain a Zero Waste living during the lockdown. Continue reading

A Bare Spotlight On Zero Waste Products: Homecare Products

A Bare Spotlight On Zero Waste Products: Homecare Products
Today, the Bare Spotlight will be on our Homecare products: Laundry Detergent. Speaking to Founder & CEO of Bare Necessities Zero Waste India, Sahar Mansoor, this interview series looks at the reasons why the Bangalore based social business chooses to provide alternative, earth friendly options to consumers in India. Continue reading

Moving Away From Wastefulness

Moving Away From Wastefulness

Is there a necessity that you cannot think of living without ? Is there a trail leading to the use of 'plastic' somewhere in its journey? 

In this blog,the writer muses about her favourite cup of coffee and the journey it must have undertaken from the field,to travelling across towns to being right in her cup.

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Eco Warrior: Divya

Meet Eco Warrior Divya sharing her zero waste journey with us. She is also the founder of Skrap and her work with Bacardi NH7 Weekender Pune has helped the festival repurpose and recycle a whopping 81% of the waste generated! How cool is that? Read on to know more!

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Eco Warrior: Mehendi

Eco Warrior: Mehendi
Meet our eco-warrior Mehendi or Conscious Chokri as she is known on her instagram. Her Zero Waste journey started three years ago when she was living on her own in Sydney pursuing a Master of Social Entrepreneurship. Studying about sustainability and not adopting a more conscious lifestyle didn't sit well with her. Read on to know more on how she started her Zero waste journey from the thought process, to making her own shampoo and detergent! Continue reading

Eco Warrior: Kathryn

Eco Warrior: Kathryn
When Kathryn was diagnosed with breast cancer, she started being conscious of what she was putting in and on her body. This led her to make her own products and understand the impact that the same things she was changing for her personal health, were also problems for the health of the planet. Here, she shares some easy tips and also invites you to take a 31 day Zero waste Challenge! Continue reading

Eco warrior: Bianca

Eco warrior: Bianca

Meet Bianca, a former student of sustainability sharing her zero waste journey. At one point she felt like she was only doing so much, studying the subject might have been one thing, but acting on it meant a lot more. Read on to know how she navigated herself through the journey and even ended up co-founding the Zero Waste Path Shop.

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